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Teacher Training Curriculum 

Curriculum for trainee teachers

Train To Teach Curriculum 

The teacher training curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to enable trainee teachers to acquire and develop professional knowledge and skills together with a comprehensive understanding of how to apply these within the school setting. Within their phase of training and subject specialisms they will learn to consistently and effectively make the education of their pupils their first concern. By developing the desired characteristics of a Lincolnshire SCITT trainee, our participants will become informed and reflective teachers who make a difference to the life chances of the young people of Lincolnshire and beyond.

Train to teach curriculum

Our teacher training curriculum strands are derived from the core areas of the ITT Core Content Framework. Additionally, we believe that a teacher’s ability to communicate effectively is central to great teaching; literacy, oracy and reading are woven through our curriculum. We emphasise the fundamental role of oracy in improving academic outcomes, supporting well-being and confidence (APP, 2021). We maintain a determined focus on reading as “books expose children to more facts and to a broader vocabulary than virtually any other activity” (Willingham, 2021). Within the Lincolnshire SCITT curriculum, our definition of literacy extends to include emotional literacy (Steiner, 1997) and its connection with metacognition (Millard and Menzies, 2019), since these foundational capabilities are determinants of high-quality teaching and learning.

  • Our Trainees:
  • Act professionally and with compassion at all times
  • Display high levels of interpersonal skills, communication skills and empathy
  • Are well-informed about their subject(s), phases and how pupils learn
  • Are curious and receptive, with a willingness to learn
  • Show determination and positivity in the face of adversity
  • Are supportive team players; demonstrating equity and respect for diversity


All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) 2021 Speak for Change: Final report and recommendations from the Oracy All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry.
Available from: (accessed 31/10/23)

Millard, W. and Menzies, L.(2019) Oracy :The State of Speaking in our Schools.
Available from: (accessed 31/10/23)

Steiner, C., 2003. Emotional literacy: Intelligence with a heart. California, USA: Personhood Press.

Willingham, D.T., 2021. Why don’t students like school?: A cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Train To Teach





PGCE Course

Application Process


Eligibility Criteria

Take the first step on your teaching journey

Ready to Get Started?

If you have the passion for enhancing the future of children and young people, empowering them through the transformative power of learning then teaching could be your calling.