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The Teacher Training Programme

School-Centred Initial Teacher Training

Teacher training programme

Initial Teacher Training Programme

This pathway into teaching provides you with the chance to fully immerse yourself in a classroom setting. You have the opportunity to genuinely connect with the children in your class, establish meaningful relationships with both them and the school staff.

The Deepings SCITT Initial Teacher Training programme integrates school-centred training with subject-specific and professional development, ensuring trainees acquire the knowledge, skills, and understanding essential for becoming outstanding teachers.

Upon successful completion, students receive Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and the chance to earn a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with 60 Master’s level credits through our partnership with Lincoln University.

Our program follows a layered and progressive structure, aligning explicitly with the Teachers’ Standards to deepen and strengthen skills and understanding. Trainees become fully immersed in school life from the beginning of the academic year, with school experiences and assignments complementing training for reflective learning and connecting theory with practice.

Recognising the challenges of the training year, we’ve designed our program to ease you in gradually, providing the right balance of support and challenge for your thriving. Confidence is built steadily, both in the classroom and in academic study.

The program’s flexibility allows for a trainee-centred approach, offering tailored training opportunities to meet individual needs.

School Placements

We strive to place trainees locally as part of our dedication to maintaining a healthy work/life balance. Our expert mentors provide robust support, showcasing and exemplifying high-quality practices. Trainees progressively increase their teaching commitment as their confidence develops.

All training is conducted by local and national experts, ensuring access to current research and best practices. Successful completion of the course leads to the attainment of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). The partnership with the University of Lincoln is a source of pride, seamlessly integrating the PGCE (60 Masters’ credits) into the programme.

Primary & Secondary Partnership Schools

Train To Teach





PGCE Course

Application Process


Eligibility Criteria

Primary Partner Schools

View all the partner  primary schools we work alongside.

Secondary Partner Schools

View all the partner secondary schools we work alongside.

Train To Teach





PGCE Course

Application Process


Eligibility Criteria

Take the first step on your teaching journey

Ready to Get Started?

If you have the passion for enhancing the future of children and young people, empowering them through the transformative power of learning then teaching could be your calling.