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Eligibility For Teacher Training

To train as a Primary or Secondary School teacher

Eligibility For Teacher Training

Teacher Training Entry Requirements

Before you apply for teacher training you need to make sure you are eligible. Although different providers may have specific recruitment criteria, there are some basic eligibility requirements you will need to meet to become a teacher in England

Qualifications you need to become a teacher


GCSE English and Maths (Grade C/4+) or standard equivalent

UK Honours Degree 2:2+
If your degree is not at least 50% related to the subject you would like to teach we will usually require you to have at least an AS and/or A Level (or equivalent) in the subject. You may be asked to complete a subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course as a condition on offer.


GCSE English, Maths and Science (Grade C/4+) or standard equivalent

UK Honours Degree 2:2+
We will consider candidates who need to take GCSE equivalency tests. We accept equivalency tests from the Equivalency Testing Provider.

Overseas qualifications
If you have overseas qualifications, you should contact us to check on eligibility. You will be asked to provide evidence of your qualifications and their equivalence through a ENIC (European Network of Information Centre – previously NARIC) Statement of Comparability.

Train To Teach





PGCE Course

Application Process


Eligibility Criteria

School Experience

Before starting your Initial Teacher Training course, we recommend that you arrange some school experience. While this is not part of the eligibility of the course, it will help you to ensure that teaching is the right career for you and will help to prepare you for the training year.

Professional Skills

It is the provider’s responsibility to assure that all teachers entering the profession have the fundamental professional skills in maths and literacy in order to carry out their role. Assessments will be carried out throughout recruitment and the programme to ensure trainees are functioning at the expected standard.

Take the first step on your teaching journey

Ready to Get Started?

If you have the passion for enhancing the future of children and young people, empowering them through the transformative power of learning then teaching could be your calling.